- non- renewable
Fossil fuels when once used it is again cannot be used and it takes billions of years to form it back from fossilized plants and animals. It is said the remaining fossil fuels will not be enough to fulfill the increasing energy requirements in future.
- Causes environmental pollution
By burning fossil fuels number of pollutant gases are evolved. Namely Carbon dioxide which causes green house effect causing global warming and acid rain. Carbon monoxide which is a well known poisonous gas which causes breathing difficulties. Unburn hydrocarbons causing global warming.
- Expensive
Process of mining and refining of fossil fuels are very expensive processors and also it is a limited resource found only in few parts of the world. As a result prizes of fossil fuels are rising day by day.
To avoid these disadvantages caused by fossil fuels, scientists are trying to invent alternative fuel sources.
Hydrogen is one the main alternative and also Hydrogen is considered as the potential fuel for future.
Advantages of using Hydrogen as a fuel
- Hydrogen can produce lot of heat by burning
Compared to the fossil fuels by burning 1 g of Hydrogen produces more enregy
- Hydrogen is non- renewable
Main resource to produce hydrogen would be water. water is a renewable source therefore hydrogen is also a renewable resource.
- Does not produce pollutants by burning
However the use of hydrogen is limited by some disadvantages .
Disadvantages of using Hydrogen
- Expensive
Production of Hydrogen by electrolysis of water is an expensive process.
- Difficulty of transport
Hydrogen being a gas is difficult to transport. It can be first reacted with metal halides and stored before the use.
- Explosiveness
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advantages of using hydrogen
disadvantages of fossil fuels
disadvantages of hydrogen
metal halides