Identification of ions and gases

Different tests can be performed to test for different gases

1. Oxygen

Oxygen is a colorless odorless gas. As it is the gas helping to burn it can be tested by 
:entering a glowing splint in to the gas 
then the glowing splint will be relighted.

Method of preparation of Oxygen gas: add Manganese dioxide into hydrogen peroxide and collect via upward delivery

2. Chlorine

Chlorine is a toxic gas having a pale yellow color.As it has bleaching properties it can be tested by
: Keeping a damp red/blue litmus paper
then the litmus paper will become white( bleached)

Method of preparation of Chlorine gas: add HCl in to solid potassium permangenate

3. Hydrogen 

Hydrogen is a colorless odorless gas that can burn and can be used as a fuel. Test for Hydrogen is 
: enter a burning splint 
then it will burn with a characteristic 'pop' sound

Method of preparation of Hydrogen: add HCl in to zinc

4. Ammonia  

Ammonia is a gas having a characteristic odor but no color. As it forms alkaline ammonium hydroxide by dissolving in water it can be tested by
: keeping a damp red litmus paper
then it will turn blue

Method of preparation for ammonia: add sodium hydroxide to ammonium chloride

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